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DIY and The IIoT

  • 2 min read

By Peter Vowell

Creating custom solutions for your unique problems has never been easier. Today’s immense DIY electronics community has made large strides in integrating with the internet of things. The ease of access to IoT solutions means remotely operated problem solving techniques can be implemented faster than ever. These solutions aren’t just for the over-the-top hobby enthusiast however. Connected custom IoT devices can be implemented in a practical and cost effective way throughout industry.
Self-made solutions are more than just a trending fad, they’re downright practical. Buying individual components for a project is cheaper and easier than ever. For all the merits of self-innovation however, businesses continue to turn towards mass-produced solutions to fill their needs. This notion is outdated and absurd, given the fast-changing ways of today’s markets. Having a cheap and customizable solution vastly outweighs the partial time one or two employees may lose for a week while designing a unique and effective design.
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Raspberry Pi
Microprocessors and microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Beaglebone are significant driving forces in the IoT revolution. The recipe for a personalized IIoT device is simple, and only requires three components: A way to gather information, a way to store information, and a way to transmit information. Data processing shouldn’t actually occur within this system - save that for computers with the heavy-duty processing power. Depending on the components you choose to use, data transmission may already be covered. The Raspberry Pi 3 comes fully stocked with 802.11n Wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.1, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). This collection covers pretty much every option of data transmission you could have hoped for, and BLE is a great option for conserving that precious battery life.